1. Analysis of the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) through a Rasch Model in a sample of Paraguayan Adolescents


  • Reinhardt Fischer
  • Gerardo Prieto



Palabras clave:

Trastornos alimenticios, Modelo de Rasch, Modelo de Escalas de Calificación, Test de Actitudes Alimentarias


Although the EAT-26 is a test widely used worldwide in the diagnosis and research of eating disorders, there are hardly any studies of its psychometric properties using Rasch Model (RM). The first objective of this study was to analyze with the Rating Scale Model, an extension of RMl for polytomous ítems, EAT-26 test on a sample of adolescents. The second objective was to propose an adaptation of the EAT-26 for its use in the Paraguayan context. Collapsing the 6 original categories and eliminating items that do not fit the model, a version of the EAT -with 18 items and 3 response categories- was proposed. The results for the characteristics of the new version are provided: unidimensionality, fit to the model of people and items, reliability, differences in scale between men and women and differential item functioning related with sex.


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Cómo citar

Fischer, R., & Prieto, G. (2019). 1. Analysis of the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) through a Rasch Model in a sample of Paraguayan Adolescents. Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos De Psicología, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.18270/chps.v16i1.2665


