Que es el Crowdfunding visón general


  • William Eduardo Pulido Talero Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios




Crowdfunding, investment, financing, entrepreneurship, idea, bank.


This is the first article in a series on the project “We are doing Crowfunding”, from the research group Center for Industrial and Logistics Studies for Productivity UNIMINUTO Through this article it is intended to make known, the general context of crowdfunding, the different concepts and functionalities offered by collective financing, also known as micro financing, which is an investment method based on voluntary contributions, different platforms created will be exposed. especially to receive monetary contributions in order to finance business initiatives or undertakings (duly referenced). The purpose of this article is to introduce entrepreneurs to this tool of the fourth industrial revolution. The methodology used is an investigation of different platforms, to extract the most outstanding. This style of financing is not as recent as might be supposed, its history dates back to patronage, [1] a practice that has existed since ancient times. However, technological advances, the increase in social networks and the recent economic crisis that the world has faced have shaped this system to what is now known as crowdfunding. The businessman or entrepreneur will have the knowledge of how the platforms work, and thus be able to obtain a new way of financing the projects. This compendium is made, to show, that, if there is another way, other than the traditional ones, to be able to launch a business initiative. In general, businessmen or entrepreneurs must resort to the traditional financial system, which has its procedures and makes many ideas remain just ideas. This new method speeds up the evaluation, by potential clients, of the product or service and thus obtain, through the platforms, financing, as long as it meets their conditions.


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