The CompPsi Complex in education as a source of data for artificial intelligence




artificial intelligence, education, ethics, algorithms, psychological management


Purpose/Context. The CompPsi complex integrates computer science and psychological sciences as a biopolitical strategy in the optimization of citizen's emotions to contribute to their well-being and happiness.

Methodology/Approach. It is reviewed how the data of students' emotions and feelings, generated by the technologies used in education, can be used to improve the algorithms associated with artificial intelligence, providing more accurate answers that help in decision making. In addition, we review how these analyses can lead to ethical challenges such as privacy and data protection.

Results/Findings. Different studies have found that, on average, 74 % of patients
with advanced cancer who are hospitalized receive antibiotic management during the last week of life and few studies have managed to demonstrate the positive impact on symptomatic control and patient recovery with the implementation of this measure.

Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. Big data from education can be a critical element in today's education, its use and ethical scope should be studied to expand our knowledge and reflection on its influence on our society.


Foucault, Michael. 2007. Derecho de muerte y poder sobre la vida. En: Historia de la sexualidad 1 -la voluntad de saber- p. 161-194 México: Siglo XXI; 2007.

Williamson, Ben. 2018. Big data en Educación El futuro digital del aprendizaje, la política y la práctica. Madrid: Ediciones Morata. Kindle.



How to Cite

Revelo Motta, G. E. . (2022). The CompPsi Complex in education as a source of data for artificial intelligence. Bios Papers, 1(1).



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