Heterologous assisted human reproduction techniques considering bioethical principles


  • Ivana Cajigal Canepa Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina




bioethics, heterologous assisted human reproduction techniques, legislation, human rights, identity, legal regulations, Argentina


Purpose/Context. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the bioethical background of the norms that regulate heterologous assisted human reproduction techniques in Argentine Republic.

Methodology/Approach. The methodology used consists of the analysis of current and projected national regulations considering the bioethics principles. It starts from an approach of the multiple implications of identity as a fundamental human right to then investigate if the legal norms are consistent with the classic bioethical principles: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice.

Results/Findings. As a result of the investigation, we consider the need to differentiate two autonomous is sustained: the determination of the filial bonds and the right of the person born to know the identity of the person who has contributed the genetic material. In this last sense, we propitiate an interpretation aimed at making this right effective is encouraged.

Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The main contribution of the article is to show the relevance of the topic. It is concluded that the only interpretation that is consistent with bioethical principles is the one that weighs the right to identity of the person born above others. Finally, a legislative reform is promoted in this sense.


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How to Cite

Cajigal Canepa, I. (2022). Heterologous assisted human reproduction techniques considering bioethical principles. Bios Papers, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.18270/bp.v1i2.3972