El derecho del no nacido a la vida





abortion, life, rights, pregnancy, fertilization, woman, health


Purpose/Context. By means of a short literature review, this article aims to contrast the arguments for and against contrast the arguments for and against abortion practices, generating debate.

Methodology/Approach. The method used for this article was a search of articles and websites, taking into articles and internet pages, taking into consideration the different positions on the topic in question.

Results/Findings. In general terms, the results include the positions of the recognition and non-recognition of the beginning of human life with fertilization; consideration and fertilization; the consideration and non-consideration of the right to life from the moment of fertilization; the consideration and non-consideration of the right to life from the moment of and non-recognition of the right to abortion, and the issue of women's health in this regard.

Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The main conclusion is that human life begins at conception. The right to life is inviolable and fundamental, under which all other rights have consistency. Considering human rights interdependent and interrelated, the right to abortion does not exist as such. Finally, it is safer for a woman's health to carry her pregnancy to term.


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How to Cite

Díaz Bonilla , L. S. (2023). El derecho del no nacido a la vida. Bios Papers, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.18270/bp.v2i1.4279



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