
  • Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos de Psicología

    The Journal Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos de Psicología, hence known as The Journal, is a serial publication which was first published in January 2000. It is edited by the School of Psychology of El Bosque University in Bogota, Colombia. This Journal is arbitrated and indexed under category C of the National Bibliographic Index –Publindex-. In addition, it is included in Latindex, the Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ, and in the Open Access platform of the electronic and scientific Spanish and Latinoamerican journals –e-Journals-. 
    The purpose of this journal is to spread scientific knowledge in the field of psychology. A multidimensional perspective in terms of the bio-psycho-social model is its referential framework. Therefore, its background, meaning and coherence are contextualized in the frame of co-evolutionary, biological, deontic and socio-cultural theory of mankind.  
    In accordance with the epistemological framework stated in the mission, the vision for publication by the School is oriented to show the current state of psychology from the following perspectives: a) as an interdisciplinary field beyond “traditional schools” of reductionist and ideologized “isms”; b) to deal critically with the advances in research based knowledge through several modalities and processes; c) with interdisciplinary cooperation of researchers, teachers and practitioners from Latin American and other countries.

  • Pharos

    Revista de divulgación académica de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad El Bosque

  • Cuadernos Latinoamericanos de Administración

    Cuadernos Latinoamericanos de Administración is a digital scientific journal. It has a continuous periodicity with a half-yearly closing. It is refereed under the double-blind peer review process. It is aimed to the international scientific and professional community of economics, administration, finance, accounting, international business and related sciences. Publishes original research, review articles and case reports in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The publication format is PDF, HTML and ePUB. It is open access and is covered by Universidad El Bosque. Studies with conceptual, quantitative and qualitative methodologies are accepted. The topics of interest to the magazine are:

    • Business, society and quality of life
    • Environment and international business
    • Organizational development and leadership
    • Entrepreneurship
    • innovation and foresight
    • New marketing trends
    • Global accounting processes and international finance
    • Sustainable integral

    The Journal does not have any charges or fees for processing articles (Article Processing Charge [APC]) submitted by the authors. Nor is there a charge for submitting the articles.

  • Hojas de El Bosque

    La Universidad El Bosque, consciente de la necesidad de fortalecer sus lazos con la sociedad y su proyección en el contexto, ha decidido crear un medio institucional de divulgación para difundir, en lenguaje claro y accesible, investigaciones, actividades académicas y acciones de responsabilidad social entre la comunidad universitaria. Surge así la Revista Hojas de El Bosque, ISSN: 2422-4235, que busca fomentar valores como la diversidad, la pluralidad, el pensamiento crítico y el compromiso social y ambiental, en consonancia con la Misión y Visión de la Institución.

  • Revista Colombiana de Enfermería

    The Revista Colombiana de Enfermería is an indexed journal that publishes the results of scientific research made in nursing and health-related fields using high-quality peer-reviewed standards in order to contribute to the development of the human being in terms of his bio-psicosocial, cultural and spiritual spheres. Publish original articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese that fulfill the originality, novelty, quality and methodology criteria established by the journal’s guidelines. The periodicity is quarterly, publishing in April, August and December.

    The Revista Colombiana de Enfermería is included in the following: CUIDEN y LILACS; Latindex, Dialnet, Imbiomed; Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Colombia, Ulrich's.

  • Revista Colombiana de Bioética

    The Revista Colombiana de Bioética Journal publishes research articles, with an empirical or theoretical focus, and literature review articles that are of interest to the international scientific community of Bioethics.

    Its purpose is to validate and disseminate scientific knowledge relevant to current discussions in Bioethics, with a special emphasis on the relationships between technological developments and Bioethics, Bioethics and health, Bioethics and education, Bioethics and the environment, and Bioethics and its foundations, from an interdisciplinary perspective.

    The journal selects its articles through a "double-blind" peer review process; its publication frequency is continuous (in Spanish, English and Portuguese) with two issues per year, in digital format, under an open access model (creative commons BY-NC-ND), with no APC's. The journal is fully supported by the Department of Bioethics and its PhD in Bioethics at the Universidad El Bosque (Bogota, Colombia).

  • Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia

    The Colombian Journal of Philosophy of Science is an academic publication devoted to the philosophy of science and related fields (logic, epistemology, cognitive science, technological philosophy, language philosophy) and, in general, to issues and problems that put the science in dialogue with philosophy. . Sometimes monographic issues about authors or specific topics are edited. The magazine receives information in the form of original articles and book reviews in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English. All collaborations will be evaluated by an arbitrator anonymously and the author will respond within a period of no more than 90 days. It is understood that the authors authorize the publication of accepted texts in printed and digital format.

  • Revista Salud Bosque

    Salud Bosque is a digital scientific journal. It has continuous periodicity. It is refereed under the double-blind peer-review process. It is aimed at the international scientific and professional community of health care and life sciences. Publishes original research, review articles and case reports in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. The publication format is PDF, HTML and ePUB. It is open access and is covered by Universidad El Bosque. Studies with conceptual, quantitative and qualitative methodologies are accepted. The topics of interest to the magazine are basic and translational research; clinical, population, epidemiological, environmental, mental, occupational and public health research; sociology, anthropology, philosophy, politics, economics and health administration; medical education and new approaches such as the complexity sciences

  • MasD Revista Digital de Diseño

    MasD, Revista Digital de Diseño, es la publicación semestral de carácter divulgativo de la Facultad de Diseño, Imagen y Comunicación de la Universidad El Bosque. Publica artículos originales, inéditos, que no estén sometidos a procesos editoriales en otros escenarios de divulgación, referentes a investigaciones, indagaciones, problemas inscritos en el área general Humanidades, Sub-área Artes de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE), en el ámbito de las disciplinas del Diseño Industrial, el Arte, la Historia del Arte, el Diseño Arquitectónico, las Artes de la Representación (Musicología, Ciencias del Teatro, Dramaturgia), los Estudios del Folclor, los Estudios de Cine, Radio y Televisión, la Arquitectura y Urbanismo,  y otros diseños,  así como procesos de enseñanza / aprendizaje en dichas áreas, siendo su función principal la referida a la publicación de resultados originales de investigación e innovación en la disciplina del diseño en general, así como en el trabajo interdisciplinar, transdisciplinar y de colaboración en otras disciplinas, con repercusiones directas en torno al área de la revista.

    La revista MasD cuenta con una trayectoria de 10 años; nace como una revista de Divulgación, y a partir del año 2014 se convierte en una revista de ámbito científico. Las ediciones anteriores pueden ser consultadas en la URL:

  • Bios Papers

    Bios Papers se dedica a la publicación de ensayos, avances de investigación, reportes de investigación y material de clase como notas, casos y otros tipos de textos que se derivan de procesos formativos, a nivel profesional y posgradual, en Bioética. 

  • Journal of Technology

    Revista de Tecnología – Journal of Technology of the college of engineering at Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá D.C., founded in 2.002 as an academic journal published on a semester-basis, is the technical and scientific forum to share advances in several knowledge fields of the disciplines of engineering. Its aim is to disseminate and spread knowledge produced by national and international researchers and results acquainted from research processes, theoretical design, analysis and thinking on problems and needs of society, tackling them from an engineering point of view by applying scientific knowledge to develop solutions translated into technological and managerial innovation, promoting a culture for life, its quality and meaning, expressed in terms of impact analysis of these solutions on people well-being, environment, organizations and society viability in search for new civilization contexts focusing on respect for human beings and nature.

    Revista de Tecnología – Journal of Technolgy is directed to the scientific and academic community, to industries and any organization that, by means of research projects find several ways to evolve and bring its contribution to attend needs of communities in society portrayed by the role of university as a social space of collective revenues.

    The magazine is indexed in the Dialnet database and has DOI, which allows you to have all your publications in Google Scholar.