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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Article title: it must be in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Its length must not exceed 72 letters or 15 words.
  • Author information: there must be included the full name of the authors, all authors e-mails, Orcid Id number, institutional affiliations of all authors, contact number, the contribution of each author to the paper.
  • Key-words: three to five words taken from a medical thesaurus such as Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) at:
  • Abstract: must have maximum 300 words
  • Article structure: manuscripts must have a clear structure. Original articles should have the following structure: introduction, methods, design, materials, results, discussion and conclusions.
  • Figures and tables: must be identified with numbers, titles and source
  • References: must be in Vancouver reference style

Author Guidelines

The Journal publishes original research, literature review articles and clinical case reports. It also publishes critical reviews of book on health care and life sciences and has a place for short articles (notes), in which a discussion or perspective on a current issue or situation for health care and life sciences is proposed. Below are some details about each text typology:

Research Article. The maximum length of research articles is ten thousand (10,000) words without references. Research articles should be written according to the usual structure: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.

Review Article. The maximum length of review articles is ten thousand (10,000) words without references. The Journal accepts systematic reviews with a qualitative or quantitative approach (meta-analysis). The purpose of reviews is to review and synthesize the most important literature on a research topic, theory or methodology. In order to establish its current status in the area. The structure of the reviews should follow the usual structure: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions.

Short Article (notes). The maximum length of the short articles is three thousand (3,000) words without references. The focus of these articles is critical and should provide analysis or new perspective on current controversial issues or juncture topics of current discussions in health care and life sciences. Their structure is flexible, but must always have an introduction, development of contents in the body of the text, and conclusions. Also, they must include references.

Case reports. The maximum length of case reports will be 5,000 words. A case report is the presentation of the professional experience based on the study of cases of interest to professionals of health care and life sciences and in which the topic and its possible approaches are discussed. The style of this typology is narrative, usually chronological, and scientific or academic significance should be highlighted. Clinical case reports must have the informed consent of the patient or the person responsible for them to be published and the identifying data must be anonymized. It should have a short summary (structured or unstructured) and two (2) to five (5) key words are presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The introduction presents a brief review of the current scientific literature; the case presentation includes demographic data, the main complaints and the patient's perspective, the main clinical findings, the diagnostic tests performed and their results, the differential diagnoses, the interventions carried out, the evolution and follow-up. Tables and figures can be used. The discussion presents the strengths and limitations of the case compared to the literature and the conclusions highlight the lessons learned. It is recommended that you follow the CARE guidelines for case reports. www. care-statement. org).

Critical Review. The maximum length of a review is one thousand and five hundred (1,500) words without references. The Journal is interested in book reviews in the field of health care and life sciences which have been published in the current year (the one to be submitted) or in the preceding year. Each review will be processed in an editorial revision and the usual peer-review process to establish its quality and argumentation, its relevance to the area and the validity of the book reviewed. The focus of the review should be critical: the author should explain his or her perspective and an analysis of the book’s contributions. The Journal is not interested in publishing descriptive reviews of the book’s contents. Finally, the Journal considers the publisher of the book.

Presentation format

  • Manuscripts should be submitted through the Open Journal Systems platform (
  • The manuscript should be a letter-sized Word file, with 1. 5 space (this includes reference tables); pages should be numbered. Tahoma 12 font type.
  • In a one-page file, the title and the data of the authors should appear: (a) title (b) names and surnames of the authors with their ORCID identification number and their institutional affiliation (the names will be published in the order and manner in which they were sent) (c) indication of the author responsible for the correspondence (d) a short title not exceeding forty characters, for identification of the odd pages (e) if the article received help or assistance from a funding agency (f) if the article is based on an academic thesis, the title, year and institution where it was presented should be indicated (g) if the work was presented at a scientific meeting, the name of the event, place and date should be indicated (h) declaration of possible conflicts of interest of the authors (i) acknowledgments: concise, direct and directed to persons or institutions that substantially contributed to the article.
  • In a different file include the manuscript without identification of the authors to allow blind review.
  • The manuscript must have a structured abstract (in Spanish, English and Portuguese), no longer than 300 words, with more than five keywords, all of which are taken from a recognized medical thesaurus. Structured summaries will include introduction, objectives, materials and methods, main results and conclusions.
  • Tables and figures (graphs, photographs, drawings, diagrams) should clarify or add to the text, not duplicate the content. Each must have a title at the top and, if applicable, annotations at the bottom. They should be classified according to the order of appearance in the text and site of inclusion. These tables and figures should be sent in separate files and sheets.
  • References in the body of text, in the subtitles and in the figures will be numbered consecutively according to the order of appearance in the text.
  • Abbreviations will be indicated in the text at the time of their first use. Afterward, only the abbreviation will continue to be used.
  • The citation style recommended is the Vancouver style guides. See, for example https://libguides. ucd. ie/academicintegrity/vancouverstyle
  • Journal abbreviations should conform to the style used in the Index Medicus. Although everything depends on the article, in general it is advisable to include at least fifty references for review articles. The accuracy of the bibliographic references is the responsibility of the authors.
  • If the author experiences any inconvenience in the presentation process or wishes to clarify any aspect of it, he or she can send his/her manuscript and attachment directly to the journal’s e-mail:
  • The Editorial Team request authors attach the following documents carefully completed: Declaration of interest, Declaration of originality, Copyright rights transfer.


it is a critical comment which demonstrates in-depth knowledge on a given topic

Scientific articles:

original articles show new findings, either quantitative or qualitative. Should the study be replicated, this sort of articles provides the reader with all of the relevant data, results and conclusions. An abstract in either of the above mentioned languages is required. The abstract must not exceed 280 words in length. Aside from the abstract, the article must include: An introduction, material, methods (experimental designs, venue, participant and interventions should be included if required), discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments and references. The length of the article must not exceed 35 pages, save for references, tables and figures.

Review articles:

Such are submitted Revista Salud Bosque by trained specialized professionals who have a thorough understanding of a given topic. Therefore, such articles are grounded in extensive theoretical references, analysis and comments about relevant related works. The length of the article must not exceed 35 pages, save for references, tables and figures

Reflection Article:

These documents present research findings from either analytic, interpretative or critical perspectives. Reflection articles require extensive reference and theoretical background. Their content must include an abstract in the above mentioned languages, problem stating, topic development, discussion, conclusions and references. The length of the article must not exceed 35 pages, save for references, tables and figures

Case report:

Present personal professional experiences based on individual cases. Their content must include an abstract in the above mentioned languages, introduction, case presentation, brief review on a given topic, discussion and references. The length of the article must not exceed 35 pages, save for references, tables and figures.

book review

La reseña de libros y revistas es una sección dedicada a los comentarios y a las presentaciones de libros y artículos de revistas que orienten al lector respecto a su potencial uso. Extensión máxima: dos páginas.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.