Medication-use related endocrine disruption reported to the local pharmacovigilance program in Bogota, during 2012- 2016




Endocrine system, Adverse reactions to medicinal products, Cinacalcet, Prednisolone, Adalimumab, Risperidone, Amiodarone,, Goiter, Hypothyroidism, Hyperprolactinemia


Objective. Becoming familiar with medication-use related endocrine disruption reported to the local pharmacovigilance program in Bogotá during 2012-2016. Tools and methods. Analyzed reports are dated between January 1st, 2012 and December 31st, 2016 and were gathered from the Pharmacovigilance Program in Bogotá. The analysis of the said reports was conducted through causality algorithms and event type.

Results. Out of 87 analyzed reports, two were not included in the study due to lack of information for its classification in one case and, medication-related problems in another case. 36 reports (42.9 %) were found to have adverse reaction to type A medications, while 26 reports (34.1%) were found to have medication related problem type therapeutic failure. The main medication related problems were associated to the use of Cinacalcet with increased levels of parathormone in 27 out of 87 analyzed reports in this study. Other medication related problems found were: Cushing Syndrome, associated with the use of prednisolone in 12 reports; Goiter associated to the use of adalimumab in 12 reports; Hyperprolactinemia associated to the use of Risperidone in 10 reports and, Hypothyroidism associated to the use of Amiodarone in 3 reports.

Conclusions: Carrying out such studies allows for the understanding of the main medication-use problems that are shown during common use of medications, as well as their safety profile.


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How to Cite

Ordoñez, N. J., & Sánchez Castillo, J. (2019). Medication-use related endocrine disruption reported to the local pharmacovigilance program in Bogota, during 2012- 2016. Revista Salud Bosque, 9(1), 27–32.



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