
  • María Mercedes Lafaurie Universidad El Bosque, Facultad de Odontología, Grupo de Investigación INVBOCA
  • Martha Cecilia Tamayo-Muñoz Universidad El Bosque, Facultad de Odontología, Grupo de Investigación UNIECLO
  • Zully Natalia Bonilla-Patiño Práctica privada
  • Juan Felipe García-Niño Práctica Privada




dentists, bioethics, qualitative research


Objective: To identify tensions, conflicts and ethical dilemmas that may arise in clinical practice, from the experience of graduates from a university in Bogotá trained in the biopsychosocial model.

Methods: Qualitative phenomenological study based on online semi-structured interviews. A purposive sampling was implemented considering the saturation of the sample; 11 dentists graduated from a university in Bogotá between 1998-2018, dedicated to clinical practice, participated. The stories were recorded, transcribed and processed with the support of Atlas ti 8 software.

Results: The tensions faced by the graduates in the commercial and organizational contexts are focused on the fact that the economic aspects surpass the good practice and the integral approach, leading to the instrumentalization of the patient and to the fact that their results are measured by the billing obtained. Law-100 has led to the dehumanization and precariousness of the profession: reduced attention times and forms of hiring and labor pressures that lead to bad practice and privilege economic interests. As an alternative, the participants have opted for private practice where tensions are minimized, although they face the new vision of dental work that places the patient in a position of demanding consumer. The participants, given the scenario described, see in the exercise of rights the alternative that allows them to deal with day-to-day life and find an important resource in the field of legislation and dental ethics.

Conclusions: Clinical practice in dentistry, according to the findings of this study, brings with it tensions, conflicts and ethical dilemmas that collide with the biopsychosocial training of the participants, especially in institutional and commercial settings, although in private practice, which see as an alternative to the commodification of the profession, the conflict is reflected in the patient as a consumer.


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How to Cite

Lafaurie, M. M., Tamayo-Muñoz, M. C., Bonilla-Patiño, Z. N., & García-Niño, J. F. (2023). TENSIONS, CONFLICTS AND ETHICAL DILEMMAS OF CLINICAL DENTISTS IN BOGOTÁ TRAINED IN THE BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MODEL. Revista Salud Bosque, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.18270/rsb.v12i2.4282



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