Estimulación Cognitiva en un caso de Afasia Primaria Progresiva no fluente


  • Kimberly Andrea Fonseca-Silva Universidad de San Buenaventura seccional Medellín
  • Yaira Zuleine Arias-Ramírez Universidad de San Buenaventura seccional Medellín



Primary progressive aphasia, Frontotemporal lobar degeneration, Cognitive stimulation, Dementia.


PPA is characterized by a marked agrammatism, which can bring cognitive and functional defects according to the progression of the disease. Its etiological and semiological recognition is essential in linking to an appropriate treatment. The study aims to identify the effects of cognitive language stimulation based on AAC strategies in a female of 67 years old. She has 1 year of schooling and is diagnosed with major neurocognitive disorder, frontotemporal lobar degeneration nfvPPA. A single case experimental design was used. Several measurements with the ESAPP and the DAD-E instruments and 19 sessions of cognitive language stimulation were done. The qualitative analysis for the ESAPP instrument indicates improvement in participation, communicative interaction and higher tolerance to frustration. For the DAD-E instrument, visual analysis indicates a trend of stable behavior at baseline with a delayed level change after the start of the intervention. Percentage of non-overlapping data (PND) gave as a result a treatment being quite effective, moderately effective and with a significant effect. The results obtained in other single-case research, as well as in this one, show that the use of alternative interventions brings benefits at the level of participation and therefore in the quality of life of people with PPA.


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How to Cite

Fonseca-Silva, K. A., & Arias-Ramírez, Y. Z. (2020). Estimulación Cognitiva en un caso de Afasia Primaria Progresiva no fluente. Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos De Psicología, 20(1), 1–14.
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