Image and body weight in college students: Mexico-Spain comparative study


  • Gisela Pineda-García Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México
  • Concepción Martínez-García Universidad de Huelva, España
  • Gilda Gómez-Peresmitré Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
  • Silvia Platas-Acevedo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
  • Kenia Jocelyne Lugo-Salazar Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México



body image, dissatisfaction, alteration, BMI, Spain-Mexico


In Mexico, the problem of obesity is influenced by factors such as culture as well as cognitive and perceptual biases. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were: a. to compare the body mass index (BMI) with alteration of body image and body dissatisfaction depending on sex and nationality (Spanish vs. Mexican); and b. to compare the level of body image alteration depending on BMI and nationality. 169 Spanish and Mexican college students participated. The Stunkard’s Silhouettes Test (2000) was used to measure body image, obtaining weight and height. There were found significant differences in BMI depending on nationality, but not on sex. Besides, high figures of overweight and obesity among Mexicans were found as well as high percentages of normal weight among Spaniards. Significant differences were found in body dissatisfaction by sex as well as in the alteration by nationality and sex. Mexican and Spanish women show more dissatisfaction than men as well as a greater underestimation of their body. Besides, Mexicans alter their body image to a greater extent than Spaniards. Finally, there is a greater underestimation in people with overweight and obesity only among the Mexican sample. The results are partially congruent with the previous literature since there are differences in body image and BMI according to the nationality of university students.


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How to Cite

Pineda-García, G. ., Martínez-García, C. ., Gómez-Peresmitré, G. ., Platas-Acevedo, S. ., & Lugo-Salazar, K. J. . (2021). Image and body weight in college students: Mexico-Spain comparative study. Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos De Psicología, 20(2), 1–12.
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