Principales influencias en la historia y desarrollo de la neuropsicología




neuropsicología, historia, Revisión sistemática, siglo XX, principales influencias


This article provides a summary of the history and development of neuropsychology covering the period from 1940 of the last century, to the first decade of this century. It was formed through a systematic review of the literature focused on the history of neuropsychology, based on the review of the complete version ten books and 43 articles. This basic literature was supplemented by 100 publications (articles -in greater proportion- and book chapters) in full format, with publication dates from 1940 to 2010.  Adding more than 150 references of historical context.

Conceptual summaries were made decade by decade.  Through an analysis of conceptual citation-reference trends, six main influences were identified: Luria's neuropsychology, the Boston process approach model, cognitive neuropsychology, modern holistic neuropsychology, the psychological approach in neuropsychology, and more recently the cross-cultural approach. Some advances in professional regulation and specialized training are also presented. Showing the complexity and diversity of the approaches and development of neuropsychology, information that can be useful to carry out minimally founded and documented analyses and reflections today.


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How to Cite

Flores Lázaro, J. (2023). Principales influencias en la historia y desarrollo de la neuropsicología. Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos De Psicología, 23(1), 1–18.
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