Study of cost-effectiveness in pulmonary arterial hypertension Group 1: riociguat and sildenafil


  • Jhoan Barajas Tarazona Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
  • Jessica Linares Leguizamón Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano



Pulmonary hypertension, Sildenafil Citrate, Lung diseases, CCardiopulmonary disease, Guaninato cyclase


Introduction: In recent years, new therapies have been developed for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), but with considerable increase in costs for health services. Objective: To assess the cost-effectiveness of riociguat versus sildenafil monotherapy for patients diagnosed with Group 1 PAH in functional classes II and III.

Materials and methods: A model of Markov was designed. All the individuals in functional class II started one of the two drugs in monotherapy. The main outcomes were the progression to functional class IV or death. A probabilistic and deterministic sensitivity analysis was made.

Results: A cost-effectiveness relationship of riociguat versus sildenafil of $ 529,213,933 was found. However, at the threshold of acceptability for Colombia, this is not cost-effective.

Conclusion: The implementation of sildenafil as a first line medication is advised.


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How to Cite

Barajas Tarazona, J., & Linares Leguizamón, J. (2019). Study of cost-effectiveness in pulmonary arterial hypertension Group 1: riociguat and sildenafil. Revista Salud Bosque, 9(1), 17–25.



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