Ethnography and research creation




Ethnography, Experimental ethnographies, research creation, Representation


In creative knowledge areas, the ethnographic approach in research-creation processes has become popular in recent decades. However, there is a lack of clarity about the implications and possibilities of doing ethnography and the reasons why this approach facilitates the articulation of research with creation. This article seeks to clarify the relationship between ethnography and research-creation, specifying what it means to construct a dense description, what participant observation is about, and where does the need to use forms of expression other than writing come from. For this purpose, the departure from positivism and the inauguration of experimental ethnographies will be discussed, with concrete examples.



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Author Biography

Elsa Maria Beltran-Luengas, Universidad El Bosque

Profesora asociada de la Facultad de Creación y Comunicación, Universidad El Bosque. Antropóloga con estudios de maestría en antropología social de la Universidad de los Andes y estudiante de Doctorado en Bioética en la Universidad El Bosque. Temas de interés en investigación: Bioética y ambiente, antropología médica, disciplinas creativas.



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How to Cite

Beltran-Luengas, E. M. (2021). Ethnography and research creation. Hojas De El Bosque, 8(14).