Ways of doing and undoing in Failure Practices

place of undisciplining and counter-academy


  • Juan Fernando Cáceres Jaramillo Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas




Research/creation, Artistic practices, Failure practices, Undisciplining, Counter-academy, Performance


This article addresses the methodological approaches proposed for the development of the thesis Practices of Failure: Place of undisciplining and counter-academy (Doctorate in Artistic Studies, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas), in order to expose certain strategies that implement ways of doing that are framed in the field of research-creation. The constant review and reevaluation of methodological strategies, from the micro of the use of words and gestures, to the macro of a structure that is inserted in the abstract space of the academy, are fundamental. It is not only necessary to question the practices of power within the academic sphere, but also the practices of failure that unfold in this research-creation process: the ways of doing and undoing should not only question traditional methodologies, but also the emerging routes that at certain times are considered favorable in the light of the contingencies of any project. More than relativity, what is desirable is constant strategic mobility.


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How to Cite

Cáceres Jaramillo, J. F. (2021). Ways of doing and undoing in Failure Practices: place of undisciplining and counter-academy. Hojas De El Bosque, 8(14). https://doi.org/10.18270/heb.v8i14.3543