Uso de adhesivos médicos y lesiones de piel

prevalencia en Colombia



Palabras clave:

Epidemiología, Prevalencia, Heridas y lesiones, Ciudados de enfermería, Dispositivos médicos, lesiones de piel relacionadas con el cuidado, adhesivos, salud pública, prevención de lesiones de piel, Marsi


Introduction: Skin lesions related to the use of medical adhesive, known as MARSI (in English), are characterized by erythema and / or persistent skin abnormality for 30 minutes or more after their removal, they constitute the gateway to complications. and increase in health and social costs.

Objective: to establish the prevalence of MARSI-type skin lesions in Colombia.

Materials and methods: cross-sectional prevalence study with the participation of nurses from Colombia who work in institutions of different levels of care through an online survey. Non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases.

Results: 13.3% of the documented patients presented this type of lesion, which corresponds to 0.72 of the prevalence of the total number of hospital units analyzed, results by sex, age, hospital service, anatomical location, prevention measures and legal aspects.

Conclusions: The MARSI have become a new problem for public health with its consequences and therefore should be a focus of attention, prevention should include scales of risk assessment and underreporting mask the magnitude of the problem and affect safe care.

Keywords: Epidemiology, Prevalence, Wounds and Injuries, Nursing Care.


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Referencias bibliográficas

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Cómo citar

Gonzalez-Consuegra, R. V., López-Zuluaga, W. J. ., & Roa-Lizcano, K. T. (2020). Uso de adhesivos médicos y lesiones de piel: prevalencia en Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Enfermería, 19(1), e015.



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