Evaluation of the English level in Colombian nursing programs: 2011-2016





nursing education; public policy; language; multilingualism; English; health tourism; higher education institutions; Saber Pro; proportion test; health


Objective: To determine if universities’ nursing programs reached the goal established in 2014 by the Colombian government of having 20% of higher education graduates reaching an intermediate or superior level in English. Methods: The research used a descriptive and statistical approach (parametric and non-parametric tests) using the data of nursing students in Higher Education Institutions who took Saber Pro test (2011 -2016). The grades of this module are adapted to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In order to make inferences in respect to the achievement of the government’s goal, parametric and non-parametric proportionality tests were carried out. Additionally, adjustments were made to the p-value to avoid the bias that results from generating a joint conclusion from joining results of an individual test. Results: No nursery program met the statistical goal. However, Universidad del Valle’s nursing program met the goal if only the parametric and non-parametric proportion comparison tests (without correction for multiple comparisons) are considered. Conclusion: Overall, the goal of the Program for the Strengthening of the Development of Competency in Foreign Languages by 2014 was not met by nursing students: just 2.36% of them achieved an intermediate or higher level of English in 2014. In addition, nursing students fall behind student in medicine, economics and business administration programs.


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Author Biographies

Julio-César Alonso-Cifuentes, Centro de Investigación en Economía y Finanzas (Cienfi), Universidad Icesi. Cali, Colombia.

Economista, magíster en Economía y en Estadística, doctor en Economía.

Daniela Estrada-Nates, Universidad Icesi. Cali, Colombia.

Economista y negociadora internacional, administradora de empresas, magíster en Economía.

Brigitte-Vanessa Mueces-Bedón, Universidad Icesi. Cali, Colombia.

Economista, estudiante de Maestría en Economía.


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How to Cite

Alonso-Cifuentes, J.-C., Estrada-Nates, D., & Mueces-Bedón, B.-V. (2019). Evaluation of the English level in Colombian nursing programs: 2011-2016. Revista Colombiana De Enfermería, 18(2), e009. https://doi.org/10.18270/rce.v18i2.2669



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