Characteristics of care delivery records in a mental health service provider institution in Bogota, 2001-2017


  • Claudia Vanegas-Medina DOCENTE
  • Vicente Fajardo-León Universidad El Bosque
  • Alejandro Rico-Mendoza Universidad El Bosque
  • Alexandra Porras-Ramírez
  • Claudia Merchán-Grajales



Mental health services, mental disorders, hospitalization, psychiatry, mental health emergency care, medical day care


Introduction: The comprehensive approach to mental health is one of the country’s public health challenges, as the Colombian population has deteriorated in this area over the past twenty years, according to the CONPES Document 3992, 2020. Objective: To characterize the individual mental health service delivery records at a service provider institution in Bogota, Colombia, between 2001 and 2017. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Individual service delivery records were used as a source of information, and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) was considered. Total mental health RIPS by interdisciplinary team: general practitioner, psychiatrist, nurse, psychologist, social worker, and occupational therapist. Results: A total of 2,360,295 individual mental health service delivery records from the selected institution were analyzed. According to the records, the average age of the patients was 47 years, and females predominated with 52.5% of the patients. Inpatient (49.82%), outpatient (43.42%), emergency room (4.54%), and day hospital (0.39%) services were used. The highest number of records (64.47 %) were found among the 18-59 years age group, followed by the 60+ year age group (28.50 %) and those under 18 years of age (7.03 %). The main diagnostic groups were psychotic disorder (33.38%), depression (15.39%), and anxiety (13.71%). Conclusions: Women are the main users of the service (52.5%). Hospitalization is the service most frequently used (49.82%). Adults between the ages of 18 and 59 use the services the most (64.47%). There has been a progressive increase in the number of attendances. Severe schizophrenia and bipolar mental disorders are the most treated (33.38%), followed by depression and anxiety (29%). General medical conditions were present in 10.95% of attendances.


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How to Cite

Vanegas-Medina , C., Fajardo-León, V., Rico-Mendoza , A., Porras-Ramírez , A., & Merchán-Grajales , C. (2023). Characteristics of care delivery records in a mental health service provider institution in Bogota, 2001-2017. Revista Colombiana De Enfermería, 22(1), e051.



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