About the Journal

Editorial policies


Focus and scope

The Revista Colombiana de Bioética Journal publishes research articles, with an empirical or theoretical focus, and literature review articles that are of interest to the international scientific community of Bioethics. Its purpose is to validate and disseminate scientific knowledge relevant to current discussions in Bioethics, with a special emphasis on the relationships between technological developments and Bioethics, Bioethics and health, Bioethics and education, Bioethics and the environment, and Bioethics and its foundations, from an interdisciplinary perspective.

The journal selects its articles through a "double-blind" peer review process; its publication frequency is continuous (in Spanish, English and Portuguese) with two issues per year, in digital format, under an open access model (creative commons BY-NC-ND), with no APC's. The journal is fully supported by the Department of Bioethics and its PhD in Bioethics at the Universidad El Bosque (Bogota, Colombia).


Publication process

The RCB publication process is composed of three different stages:

• Submission and peer review
• Editorial production
• Post-Publication


Types of manuscripts

The RCB publishes original research and literature review articles. It also publishes book reviews on Bioethics and has a place for short articles (notes), in which a discussion or perspective on a current issue or situation for Bioethics is proposed. Below are some details about each type of manuscript:

Research article. The maximum length of research articles is ten thousand (10,000) words without references. Research articles should be written according to the usual structure: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.

Review article. The maximum length of review articles is ten thousand (10,000) words without references. The Journal accepts systematic reviews with a qualitative or quantitative approach (meta-analysis). The purpose of reviews is to review and synthesize the most important literature on a research topic, theory or methodology. In order to establish its current status in the area. The structure of the reviews should follow the usual structure: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.

Short article (notes). The maximum length of the short articles is three thousand (3,000) words without references. The focus of these articles is critical and should provide an analysis or new perspective on current controversial issues or juncture topics of current discussions in Bioethics. Their structure is flexible, but must always have an introduction, development of contents in the body of the text, and conclusions. Also, they must include references.

Book review. The maximum length of a review is one thousand and five hundred (1,500) words without references. The journal is interested in book reviews in the field of Bioethics which have been published in the current year (the one to be submitted) or in the preceding year. Each review will be read by an editor or reviewer to establish its quality and argumentation, its relevance to the area and the validity of the book reviewed. The focus of the review should be critical: the author should explain his or her perspective and an analysis of the book’s contributions. The journal is not interested in publishing descriptive reviews of the book’s contents. Finally, the journal considers the publisher of the book.


Free format submission

To facilitate the submission of manuscripts to the Journal, we enable authors to submit texts without adapting them to a strict style and citation guidelines. Once the manuscripts are approved for publication, the editor will request the formatting of the text according to the rules of the Journal. However, unformatted submission does not imply manuscripts should be sent without structure. In this regard we ask authors to consider the following:

Metadata. Manuscripts should have an abstract not longer that two hundred (200) words. It should state the purpose and describe the main contents of each section. Also, it should contain appropriate keywords, said keywords should preferably be terms between two or three words, and there should be between four to six unique terms.
Structure of the articles. Research and review articles should follow the classic structure: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions. Its length should not exceed ten thousand (10,000) words without references.
Other manuscript structures. Short articles and reviews should ensure a coherent structure, preferably with an introduction, a development of its contents, and conclusions. Short articles should not exceed three thousand (3,000) words without references. Book reviews should not exceed one thousand and five hundred (1,500) words without references.
Tables and figures. All tables, figures and images should be mentioned in the body of text and inserted in the place closest to their mention. They must have a title and indicate the source from which they come or specify if they are self-made. Authors are responsible for the permissions to use tables, figures or images published by other media.
Citation style. Rules of citation must be consistent throughout the text.

Submissions. Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal’s publishing platform (Open Journal System). Declaration of conflict of interest and a release form must be uploaded with the text. Templates for said documents can be downloaded here:


If the author is unable to make the submission on his/her own or wishes to clarify any aspect of it, he or she can send his/her manuscript and attachment directly to the journal’s e-mail:
