Socially: from Subjective Reason to the Negative Dialectic and its Critical Reason


  • Jairo Antonio Rodríguez Leuro



Bio-politics, humanization of the social, subjective reasoning, critical reasoning, knowledge, social integration


The aim of this paper is to reflect on the role of the subjective reason as a producer of knowledge, and the techniques that govern nature and society. The consequence of this process is the creation of forms of domination. The rationalization implies that society is governed naturally, and dominant-submissive relationship is established naturally. This paper proposes that the negative dialectic is a way to break from this divergence of reason, the initial purpose of which was to humanize society, but which ultimately ge-nerated the opposite process.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Leuro, J. A. (2016). Socially: from Subjective Reason to the Negative Dialectic and its Critical Reason. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 10(2), 267–276.