A Bioethical Reflection upon the Teaching-Learning Processes in Dentistry


  • María Clara Rangel Galvis Universidad El Bosque




teaching-assistance, training in dentistry, clinical practices in dentistry, student-patient-teacher relationship


In this work, we reflect on the importance of teaching bioethics in the process of training dentistry students. Initially, a review of the literature referring to aspects related to the importance of bioethical training in dentistry is presented, and in a second moment the clinical training in dentistry is reviewed in the literature in relation to the assisted teaching in which dentists interact as teachers guide student learning in a patient. Thirdly, some situations that arise during this training period will be related, in relation to the tensions and conflicts from which dilemmas are configured in the student-patient-teacher relationship in the clinical training practices in dentistry. The analysis is done keeping in mind the current legal regulations in Colombia in the field of higher education, relevant to teaching in dentistry under the modality of teaching-service agreements, the foundation and appropriation of the concepts of normative ethics and bioethics to reflect about the need to structure more integrative proposals from the bioethics that allow to base, debate and reconcile about the problems that originate in the academic and teaching-care environments.


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Author Biography

María Clara Rangel Galvis, Universidad El Bosque

Doctora en Bioética Universidad El Bosque, Magister en Bioética Universidad El Bosque, Magister en Dirección Universitaria Universidad de los Andes, Especialista en Gerencia en Calidad en Salud Universidad El Bosque, Especialista en Docencia Universitaria Universidad El Bosque, Especialista en Ortodoncia Universidad Javeriana Odontóloga Universidad Javeriana. Este artículo es original, producto de la tesis para optar al título de Magister en Bioética


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How to Cite

Rangel Galvis, M. C. (2019). A Bioethical Reflection upon the Teaching-Learning Processes in Dentistry. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.18270/rcb.v14i2.2276



Artículo de reflexión