Bioethics, gender and social justice: experience of a seminar


  • Fanny Consuelo Urrea Mora
  • María Yaneth Pinilla-Alfonso



Bioethics, gender, body, autonomy, social justice


This article reflects the experience from seminar called: “From the body without justice to subjects with justice” at Bioethics Department in Universidad El Bosque. The seminar, which from now on will be named “Bioethics, gender and social justice” was held during the second semester of 2015 and the first semester of 2016, The seminar came as a result of a previous research of the doctorate in bioethics entitled “Respect for the autonomy of pregnant women in health attention: A bioethics-gender dialogue” that inquired into pregnant women bodies and autonomy. The investigation left diverse inquisitiveness such as: questions about the boundaries between autonomy and justice and profound concerns on social justice and inequality against women, among others.

The before-mentioned aspects opened the analysis and debate about social justice in relation to the female body, gender and human reproduction from the bioethics-gender approach. Through the seminar it was concluded that autonomy and social justice weave together because the autonomous subjects are the ones who claim social justice.


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How to Cite

Urrea Mora, F. C., & Pinilla-Alfonso, M. Y. (2018). Bioethics, gender and social justice: experience of a seminar. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 13(3), 67–73.