Addiction and Digital Metabolism

A Look from the Philosophy of Technology




Technology, pharmacology, digital addiction, dopamine, exploitation, philosophy of technology, digital studies


Purpose/Context. This article aims to discuss the phenomena of digital addiction in the contemporary context, which is characterized by ever-expanding technological transformations.

Methodology/Approach. The analysis is carried out from the philosophy of technology and Bernard Stiegler’s pharmacological perspective within digital studies:a vision of technology as a poison and remedy for humans always and simultaneously.

Results/Findings. It sheds light on the origins and consequences of such an addictive situation, focusing on the socioeconomic causes and the possibilities of escape technology offers. The ethical problem is related to users’ lifestyles, and the question is whether current technologies leave room for improving daily conditions or only amplify the discomfort that contemporary life causes.

Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. Finally, it provides some examples focused on the reeducation and understanding of pharmakon to restore autonomy and decision-making capacity to addicts. Pharmakon develops in them a “knowing how to use” that alleviates the toxic effects of the relationship with devices and an ability to create new possibilities to find a different form of bonding in and with society.


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How to Cite

Baranzoni, S. (2020). Addiction and Digital Metabolism: A Look from the Philosophy of Technology. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 15(2).



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