Ethics in the university

an educational experience with the TV series Merlí




Ethical training, deontology, moral, audiovisual format, series, training experience, bioethics


Purpose/Context. The purpose of this article is to investigate the university teaching of ethics in health sciences through a TV series. Training experiences in this area usually focus on future professional practice through brief clinical cases, leaving the educational field relegated.

Methodology/Approach. The methodology used is mixed. The REST tool for the evaluation of ethical sensitivity is taken as an antecedent from the detection of dilemmatic elements in an audiovisual and an experience of teaching innovation is carried out with a fragment of the TV series Merlí where a case of academic dishonesty is reported. The students had to define the dilemmatic situations of the fragment and articulate them with the university code of ethics. The study includes quantitative elements of detection of situations and ethical principles, and qualitative elements of content analysis.

Results/Findings. The results are, on the one hand, the identification of all the situations of the fragment, focusing more on the fact that they have teachers as protagonists, and also, those that imply an explicit transgression of the norms. Students can identify dilemmatic situations but find it more complex to link them to ethical principles.

Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions.The main contribution of the article is to note the relevance of the application and the reflection on ethics in the university environment, while highlighting the usefulness of cinema and television series in experiences of pedagogical innovation in ethics and bioethics.


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How to Cite

Cambra-Badii, I., & Mastandrea, P. B. (2020). Ethics in the university: an educational experience with the TV series Merlí. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 15(2).



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