Gilbert Hottois and the "Species Technica"


  • Jean Nöel Missa Université Libre de Belgique



technoscience, science fiction, transhumanism, technology, technoscientific research, technoscientific development, technological deconstruction, posthumanism, human technoevolution, anthropotechnics, technological mutation


Purpose/Context. The purpose of this article is to provide a new light on the work of Gilbert Hottois and unpublished documents from his autobiography to analyze the evolution of the author's thought.

Methodology/Approach. The methodology used is qualitative. It is based on the study of Hottois' work and his notes for an autobiographical project, in which he outlined a brief chronology of the evolution of his topics of interest.

Results/Findings. The evolution of author Gilbert Hottois' thought was identified in light of: (i) his interest in science fiction in the 1950s and 1960s, (ii) the publication of his doctoral thesis and his first books on philosophy between 1970 and 1980, (iii) the appearance in 1981 of his novel "Species Technica", (iv) the publication in 1984 of the book "Le Signe et la Technique", (v) his reflections on bioethics between 1985 until the early 2000s, and (vi) his later contributions on science fiction and transhumanism.

Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The philosophy of technoscience and the question of the future of man are primary elements in understanding the thought of Gilbert Hottois. His work should be seen around the theme of the long-term transformation of mankind through technoscience and thus Hottois should be recognized for his contributions to the reflection and study on the mutation of man due to technology.


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How to Cite

Missa, J. N. (2021). Gilbert Hottois and the "Species Technica". Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 16(1).



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