Replacing ideas, reducing misconceptions and refining arguments: A reinterpretation of the 3Rs of animal experimentation




Bioethics, animal experimentation, animal ethics, replacement, 3R


Purpose/Background. In the present work, a reinterpretation of the 3Rs (3Rs) proposed by William Russell and Rex Burch (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) will be carried out with the aim of broadening its scope and improving nonhuman animal experimentation practices.

Methodology/Approach. The meaning given by Russell and Burch to the 3Rs will be reviewed and the way in which each of them could be redefined or complemented in the light of current scientific practices, technical possibilities and bioethical knowledge related to the use of animals in research will be evaluated.

Results/Findings. The article will show that 1) not only animals should be replaced, but also the misconceptions we have, both about them and about the importance of bioethics education in scientific training, 2) that the reduction, in addition to the number of subjects used in each experiment, should serve to end unnecessary, repetitive and superfluous research, as well as some persistent misconceptions about the way science operates, and 3) that refinement should go beyond the experimental space to extend to the way we think about animal ethics in the research setting.

Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The paper reports on the importance of incorporating contemporary bioethical knowledge into animal experimentation practices to enhance the reflexive and ethical character of science.


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How to Cite

Cancino Rodezno, A., & Zapata Clavería, M. A. (2023). Replacing ideas, reducing misconceptions and refining arguments: A reinterpretation of the 3Rs of animal experimentation. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 18(1).



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