Counter-stories: A proposal based on narrative bioethics to counter hate speech




bioethics, narrative, discourse, hate, methods, education


Purpose/Context. This article proposes counter-stories, based on narrative bioethics, as devices to counteract hate speech.

Methodology/Approach. Qualitative research based on a hermeneutical and reflective paradigm, divided into three methodological moments: review of narrative bioethics; hate speech analysis; establishment of a relationship between narrative bioethics and hate speech; proposition of counter-stories as antidotes to hate speech.

Results/Findings. Paradoxically, narrative bioethics and hate speech share an important characteristic: they are both aware of the power that stories embody for human beings; however, the two use those stories in diametrically opposite ways: while narrative bioethics defends dignity and social justice, hate speech attacks these two elements.

Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The third wave of narrative bioethics has the potential to counteract hate speech, through the creation of stories beyond stories, that defend dignity and social justice; for this, it is necessary to educate to prepare people who not only generate stories that persuade, but also are politicized and advocate for the dignity of other human beings.


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How to Cite

Manchola-Castillo, C. (2022). Counter-stories: A proposal based on narrative bioethics to counter hate speech. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 17(1).