Time, technology and bioethics: Critical reflections for the post-human era





Bioethics, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Communications Media, Technology, Enslaved Persons


It is difficult to find a book in which artificial intelligence and technology are either defended or, on the contrary, censored by the author's discourse. However, Felix masterfully shows not only how technological objects and networks influence our present and future, but also how this human-technological relationship is being distorted in favor of technology: it is taking control over humanity. And this affects individually, institutionally and especially bioethics. Taking into account the above, Felix assumes the technological position as opposed to the human one, but not only stays here, but takes life itself into the critical sphere, tries to find the balance and rethinks the role, functioning and objectives of technology, so that "life deserves to be lived".


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How to Cite

Herrera Justicia, S., & Altamira Camacho, R. (2024). Time, technology and bioethics: Critical reflections for the post-human era. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.18270/rcb.v19i1.4285