Ethical considerations for research with children and adolescents as co-investigators, a reflection from the Chilean experience




Children, Co-Researchers, Research Ethics, Participatory Methodologies, Childhood


Purpose/Context: This article responds to a preliminary conceptual review focused on the analysis of the ethical considerations of research involving children and adolescents as participants in scientific research as co-researchers.

Methodology/Approach: This article orients its reflection through the review of national Chilean and international regulations and relevant literature on child and adolescent participation in research, establishing specific criteria to be considered as ethical safeguards.

Results/Findings: Promoting community participation in research has become a strategy to ensure that the knowledge generated is relevant and facilitates effective changes; in addition, involving children and adolescents as co-researchers contributes to add social and scientific value to studies that address issues that affect them directly.

Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions: This article contributes to the understanding of the ethical and methodological dimensions associated with designs in which children and teenagers are involved as co-researchers, highlighting the particularity of the stage of development they are in, the protection of their dignity and the promotion of instances of participation in research, inviting the reflection of adults who are part of research teams so that they evaluate the relevance and ethical safeguards when involving these participants.


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How to Cite

Santana, A. I., Leisewitz, A. V., Bravo , P., & Nogueira, A. (2023). Ethical considerations for research with children and adolescents as co-investigators, a reflection from the Chilean experience. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 18(2).