Medical and social dehumanization in the face of embryofetal loss in pregnant mothers


  • Emilio García Sánchez Departamento de Ciencias Políticas, Ética y Sociología, Facultad de Derecho, Empresa y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Valencia, España
  • Marian Vila Caballer Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Valencia, España



pregnancy, death, communication, sadness, loneliness, empathy, mother, beneficence


Purpose/Context. Evidence the existence of medical and social invisibility produced around embryo-fetal losses in pregnant mothers.

Method/Approach. Narrative and bioethical bibliographic review of publications that specifically analyze how pregnant mothers are affected by the way health workers communicate when they must notify the loss of their child due to complications in embryo-fetal development. We review whether the Principles of Bioethics are applied in this communication.

Results/Findings. After the analysis carried out, we found that, frequently, pregnant mothers who suffer these natural abortions often experience an absence of empathy and humanity in health professionals who do not adequately cover – ethically – the magnitude of this loss of the child. that is being developed. We add that this situation is aggravated by the feeling of failure and loneliness, together with the sadness and grief they go through.

Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. We highlight the ontological and human value that mothers give to the death of the one they consider their child, regardless of the stage of development in which they are. Unforeseen death in the first weeks of pregnancy should not be reduced to a merely physiological accident with no importance at a communicative level. We conclude that it is necessary to advise health professionals through medical and ethical protocols that allow them to address the care of those patients who go through this situation of embryo-fetal loss. We consider from bioethics that, in the face of these critical circumstances, the Principle of Beneficence should be prioritized, given that poor communication negatively affects the physical and mental well-being of these patients.


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How to Cite

García Sánchez, E., & Vila Caballer, M. (2023). Medical and social dehumanization in the face of embryofetal loss in pregnant mothers. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 18(2).



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