Modernity Crisis. The Pact with the Devil


  • Luis Gabriel Rivas Castaño



crisis, modernity, pact, devil, life, bioethics, human behavior


This essay pursues to show the limitations of the answers that human thought has given to modernity’s crisis, grouped into three ideological postures: conservatives, determinists, and humanists and proposes a theoretical reflection centered on life’s processes as a possible solution to overcome the challenges posed by modernity, and a path of action that will allow understanding of life in its most ample sense. It begins with the concept of modernity’s crisis understood as the last great pact by humanity, in an inconsistent manner, with the Devil, and thanks to which man won individual freedom and the use of reason as basic tools for the construction of a better world, but in the process lost God, neighbor, and finally, himself.


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How to Cite

Rivas Castaño, L. G. (2015). Modernity Crisis. The Pact with the Devil. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 10(1), 182–193.