Jean-Baptiste Lamarck between the Natural Philosophy of the 18th Century and the Positive Science of the 19th Century


  • Eugenio Andrade Universidad El Bosque



Lamarck, Comte, plan of nature, inner feeling, zoological philosophy, spontaneous generation, environment, habit


In this text, I present Lamarck as an author who could be considered, not only as one of the founders of biology, but also as one of the precursors of positivism. Notions of “vital force”, organization, “plan of nature”, “inner feeling” and habit, pillars of the theory of his transformation, will be examined. This theory fuses the determinism inherent in “nature's plan” (PN) with the more flexible role of “inner feeling” (IS) and habit in the modification. This is how Lamarck defended a materialist holism that justifies the image of a nature that, by organizing matter, gives rise to the spontaneous generation of simple living beings that gradually transform over time, increasing the degrees of organization, culminating in the appearance of man. Idea that Comte extrapolated to justify social progress tied to the appearance of the positive sciences.

This work also evaluates Comte's criticism of Lamarck about the role of the environment, whose potential for change would be limited by “the existence of “inner obstacles” to modification, overcome in humans through the emergence of society. Both authors were influenced by François Quesnay, who advocated a society governed by ethics based on a biological natural law. But, while Lamarck anticipated the risk of human self-extinction, Comte considered that true progress would be achieved by converting that natural law into the foundation of a new secular religion.


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How to Cite

Andrade, E. (2023). Jean-Baptiste Lamarck between the Natural Philosophy of the 18th Century and the Positive Science of the 19th Century. Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 23(47), 11–46.
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