The Human Body as a Complex System in Light of the Historical-Scientific Context of the Discovery of the Pulmonary Circulation

About Alexandrians, Arabs, Heretics and Nobles


  • Horacio Serna Universidad Nacional de Colombia



transdisciplinarity, paradigm change, complex thinking, pulmonary circulation


The remote history of complexity sciences uses to be unknown under the argument that they are a group of fields of knowledge that had their development in XX century, however, the generating ideas of the thesis defended by complexity sciences, in special the idea of complex system, come from long before. The discovery of pulmonary circulation has revolutionized the way of understanding medicine in the context of change of the hippocratic-galenic paradigm that had influence until very late in the Middle Age, also, this discovery was very full of elements that sustain the fact of considering it as an event of great importance in the historical development of the early ideas of complexity sciences and the recognition of the human body as a complex system.


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How to Cite

Serna, H. (2016). The Human Body as a Complex System in Light of the Historical-Scientific Context of the Discovery of the Pulmonary Circulation: About Alexandrians, Arabs, Heretics and Nobles. Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 16(33), 187–211.



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