Speculations and Controversies in Contemporary Physical Cosmology

The Problem of Creation in the Multiverse Hypothesis, a Historical Analysis


  • David Mayo Sánchez Universidad de Salamanca




speculative cosmology, inflationary multiverse, brane-cyclical multiverse, metaphysics, scientific demarcation


History has shown that science, in this case physical cosmology, in its encounter with the problem of the origins of the Universe, has engaged in a series of controversies and speculations, entering in non-scientific areas. Scientists have developed hypotheses and theories including the non-scientific concept of creation and for that reason such hypotheses have remained with several epistemological and ontological problems. Such is the case of the multiverse cosmological hypothesis, which is considered by a large part of the community of physicists and cosmologists as a scientific theory that could describe and explain the creation of the Universe and give an account of its laws and constants, but at the same time another part of the community believes that the multiverse is not science. This study aims to expose and analyze critically, from a historical perspective, this scientific and philosophical context of contemporary physical cosmology and its significant implications.


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How to Cite

Mayo Sánchez, D. (2016). Speculations and Controversies in Contemporary Physical Cosmology: The Problem of Creation in the Multiverse Hypothesis, a Historical Analysis. Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 16(33), 213–250. https://doi.org/10.18270/rcfc.v16i33.1940



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