Equality, cooperation and territoriality

From Upper Paleolithic bands to contemporary Central American gangs


  • Bernardo Bolaños Profesor investigador en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Cuajimalpa
  • Maximiliano Martinez Profesor investigador en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Cuajimalpa




Evolution of cooperation, Youth subcultures, Violence, Pleistocene


Theories focusing on the repression of incest (Freud, Levi-Strauss) or the social contract (Hobbes, Rousseau) have emphasized the importance of the family and the State, respectively, but have paid little attention to young men’s gangs. The article aims at filling this gap in the literature by analyzing the historical formation of this type of young men’s associations. Building on Boehm’s (1999; 2000a; 2009; 2012), Sterelny’s (2011; 2016), and Marean’s (2016) biological-anthropological theories of the evolution of cooperation that contend that social sanction and conflict resolution were practices that led to the formation of early gangs of hunters-gatherers in the Upper Paleolithic period, the article argues that such structures of social organization still prevail in societies in which gangs and similar groups are as powerful, or more, than other institutions such as the family, chiefdom and even the State itself. In addition, based on ecological models of violence and territoriality, the text shows that from the Pleistocene to the Viking Ages and the Central America criminal crisis, the emergence of gangs and similar groups could be largely explained by a relative scarcity of resources, and are a paradoxical form of cooperative organization.


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How to Cite

Bolaños, B., & Martinez, M. (2017). Equality, cooperation and territoriality: From Upper Paleolithic bands to contemporary Central American gangs. Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 17(34). https://doi.org/10.18270/rcfc.v17i34.2083



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