Consistency, Nontriviality and Redundancy in Mathematic


  • Eleonora Catsigeras Instituto de Matemática y Estadística Rafael Laguardia (IMERL), Facultad de Ingeniería y Grupo Interdisciplinario de Racionalidad de las Ciencias, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.



formal and non-formal rationality, philosophy of mathematics, consistency, non-triviality, mathematical depth, mathematical redundancy


We  explore  the  rational,  formal  and  non-formal  criteria  of  consistency,  non-triviality  and redundancy in the mathematical research now a days. We develop a paradigmatic discussion by analysing the different conceptions of those criteria, from the logic-formal ones to the non formal ones (but still rational criteria).We illustrate the discussion with concrete  examples  obtained  from  the  mathematical  research,  particularly  from  the  published results that were published in the last 50 years in the mathematical theory of deterministic dynamical systems.


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How to Cite

Catsigeras, E. (2017). Consistency, Nontriviality and Redundancy in Mathematic. Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 17(34).



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