The Twin Paradox in the Writings of Einstein


  • Martín Miguel Simesen de Bielke Universidad Nacional de Salta



paradox, twins, relativity, clocks, time, Einstein


The classic solution of the twin paradox is based on the idea that there is an asymmetry between accelerated and inertial systems of reference. This traditional solution points out that only the twin on the spaceship experiences the relativistic effects and therefore ages less during his space trip than his brother on Earth. In this paper we offer an exegesis of Einstein’s own solution, which is not only different, but also provides reasons to ask whether he actually thought that the twin in the spaceship ages slower.


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How to Cite

Simesen de Bielke, M. M. (2020). The Twin Paradox in the Writings of Einstein. Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 19(39), 11–41.
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