Historical Epistemology and Meta-Epistemology

Different labels, shared interests


  • María Laura Martínez Rodríguez Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de la República https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0011-0472




historical epistemology, historical meta-epistemology, historical ontology, Ian Hacking, Lorraine Daston, Michel Foucault


Lorraine Daston has underscored the influence that Ian Hacking's The Emergence of Probability has had on her intellectual trajectory and on her choice of the label historical epistemology to describe her work. Hacking, for his part, has responded to these remarks that, firstly, Daston and her colleagues do not do epistemology, but rather study epistemological concepts as objects that evolve and mutate. Secondly, that not only his work on probability is not historical epistemology but also it is what he calls historical meta-epistemology or better yet, historical ontology. In this paper, I analyze how Daston and Hacking understand the type of research that they respectively call historical epistemology and historical meta-epistemology, and I explore their convergences and divergences in order to establish possible shared relations, interests and antecedents. Finally, I argue that Hacking's work can be visualized as a result of investigations of the type that characterize historical epistemology, as a consequence of his interest, encouraged by Michel Foucault´s reading, in the analysis of the historical conditions of possibility for the emergence of scientific concepts and objects.


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How to Cite

Martínez Rodríguez, M. L. (2023). Historical Epistemology and Meta-Epistemology: Different labels, shared interests. Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 23(46). https://doi.org/10.18270/rcfc.v23i46.3733
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