Quantum Counterfactuals

Logical-philosophical Approach to Quantum Interaction Free Measurements





counterfactuality, logical counterfactual, implication, quantum counterfactual, quantum logic, interaction free measurements, formalization


The present paper introduces a logical-philosophical approach to the interaction free measurements (ifm), which are related to some quantum physical experiments. The ways of addressing the study from a formal perspective will be explained, as well as some of the main challenges that emerge when carrying out this approach.


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How to Cite

Fernández Cuesta, J. A., & Sánchez Ovcharov , C. (2023). Quantum Counterfactuals: Logical-philosophical Approach to Quantum Interaction Free Measurements. Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 23(46), 313–337. https://doi.org/10.18270/rcfc.v23i46.3841
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