Ralph Cudworth

: Between Plato’s Plausible Conjecture and the Meanings of Hypothesis in Natural Philosophy





hypothesis, plausible conjecture, natural philosophy, anticipatory power of the mind, metaphysics- ethics relationship.


This work reconstructs the sense of hypothesis in the philosophy of Ralph Cudworth, through the analysis of its platonic bases, specifically, the stipulation of the strata of knowledge exposed in the Allegory of the line of Book VI of Republic and the distinction between objects and disciplines of knowledge established in Plato's Timaeus. In this way, I consider that two meanings of 'hypothesis' in Cudworth can be understood from the delimitation of its functions as 1) type of explanation due to its onto-epistemological status and 2) methodological strategy of inquiry about the functioning of the natural world, senses, which can be inferred from the influence of what is called in this work as 'plausible conjecture' for Plato, which also allows us to appreciate the relationship between metaphysics, the new science and morality in the Seventeenth Century.


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How to Cite

Platas Benítez, V. (2022). Ralph Cudworth: : Between Plato’s Plausible Conjecture and the Meanings of Hypothesis in Natural Philosophy. Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 22(45). https://doi.org/10.18270/rcfc.v22i45.3953
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