In the Age of the Fable of the World

From du Bartas’ Cosmological Poetry to Descartes’ Philosophical Imagination




cosmological poetry, Guillaume de Salluste du Bartas, imagination, fable of the world, hypothesis, cartesianism, probabilism


In the following pages, I propose to start from a broad time frame, here named The Age of the Fable of the World, to reflect on the specific intellectual episode that goes from the publication of Guillaume Salluste du Bartas's cosmological poetry, to René Descartes's Le Monde ou le traité de la lumière. First, I will try to emphasize the views that, from the perspective of cosmological poetry, make an assessment of natural philosophy as a speculation that feigns a tale or fable of the world. Second, I will point out Michel de Montaigne's and Francis Bacon's critical arguments against philosophical imagination, in its eagerness to construct these fictional accounts of the cosmos. Third, I will characterize the principles of the Cartesian fable of the world by identifying its epistemic, physical, and metaphysical dimensions. Finally, I will consider the tensions in Descartes’ principles that lead to the assessment of his natural philosophy as an eminently speculative theory.


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How to Cite

Toledo Marín, L. . (2022). In the Age of the Fable of the World: From du Bartas’ Cosmological Poetry to Descartes’ Philosophical Imagination. Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 22(45).
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