Neither Pyrrhonian nor Creationist, Materialist and Revolutionary

Natural Philosophy and Politics in Jean Meslier’s Mémoire




pyrrhonism, creationism, materialism, atheism, natural philosophy, political action, revolution


Based on a thesis of Margaret Jacob, this article has two aims: on the one hand, it analyses Jean Meslier’s natural philosophy in order to highlight the supremacy of the materialist hypothesis over the creationist; on the other hand, it links his metaphysical position with his proposal for political action in order to show that the popular and revolutionary atheism defended by the priest is compatible with the idea that movement is an essential quality of matter, and not an effect of God’s will.


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How to Cite

Tizziani, M. (2022). Neither Pyrrhonian nor Creationist, Materialist and Revolutionary: Natural Philosophy and Politics in Jean Meslier’s Mémoire. Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 22(45).
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