Reason Naturalized

(An Empirical Justification of Logic)




rationality, logical pluralism, logic, normativity, logic a posteriori


The question of rationality is approached from the justification of logic, considering the existence of alternative systems. I delimit this topic to the justification of our criteria for rationality, focusing on inferential rationality. In light of this, I suggest a posteriori solution to recognize logical systems as reasonable, given the absence of an infallible notion of rationality. This proposal is pluralistic, acknowledging multiple valid systems, and normative, establishing that not all have the same value: some are more suited for inferences than others.


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How to Cite

Pazos, M. A. (2023). Reason Naturalized: (An Empirical Justification of Logic). Revista Colombiana De Filosofía De La Ciencia, 23(47), 185–219.
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