Bioethical Dilemmas about the End of Life


  • José Antonio García Pereáñez



bioethical dilemmas, moral, euthanasia, assisted suicide, hermeneutics


That article focuses on investigating the interpretation of the dilemmas of bioethics at the end of life. The main purpose was estimated in the analysis of bioethical dilemmas about the end of human life faced in judicial de-cisions in Colombia. A documentary study was conducted as a process of inquiry, reflection, construction and re-signification of knowledge about the moral dilemmas of active euthanasia and hunger strikes, present in the judgments of the Constitutional Court C-239 of 1997, T-571/08 and Bill 117, 2014. This document is presented in three parts: in the first, the dilemmas of euthanasia, assisted suicide and hunger strike are described; in the second, an interpretation of these dilemmas amid tensions between bioethics and law arises; and in the third a possible hermeneutics if the dilemmas is proposed as Gadamer category of “world of life”.


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How to Cite

García Pereáñez, J. A. (2016). Bioethical Dilemmas about the End of Life. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 10(2), 242–257.