Peter Sloterdijk philosophy contributions for the foundation of Latin American bioethics


  • Carlos Fernando Álvarez González



Anthropotechnic, Latin-American bioethics, process of humanization, homeotechnic, epistemology


Bioethics as moles that allow ethical reflection from different perspectives is still in the search of its theoretic framework for the Latin-American region. In this exercise have been found epistemological gaps that can be overcome with elements present in Sloterdijk’s works. The article allows the relating of these elements, in rele-vance to the foundation of bioethics in Latin America. The paradigm of the study was comprehensive, focused on the analyses and deepening with respect to the Anthropotechnic categories- process of humanization- and homeotechnic- through the hermeneutic method-. Bioethics founded on the analyzed categories, will avoid the paradigm of modern science from destroying knowledge, the culture of peoples, and Latin American society.


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How to Cite

Álvarez González, C. F. (2015). Peter Sloterdijk philosophy contributions for the foundation of Latin American bioethics. Revista Colombiana De Bioética, 10(1), 24–37.



Artículo de reflexión