Digital Marketing transforms SMEs management in Colombia


  • Martha Patricia Striedinger Meléndez, Dra.



Digital marketing, SMEs, integrated communications, digital marketing strategies, digital marketing tools


Companies, organizations and businesses must be innovating in their management to have greater visibility, more easily reach their objectives and achieve the desired profits; to do so they make use of the strategies and, as in recent years, digital marketing emerged -as a joint and integrated strategy that aims to generate leads or leads and forge transactions- it inquired about the results of its application in SMEs in Colombia, knowing each other Thanks to the innumerable tools that emerge daily, these small and medium companies have been strengthened. When analyzing the management of these entities that are present in all economic sectors, it
was discovered that the use of digital marketing is becoming more frequent in their daily lives, either to encourage communication with the different audiences with which they interact, as an opportunity commercial, or to strengthen its image and positioning; For all the advantages that we will show you have, it is an ideal support to be at the forefront of marketing. This article presents how digital marketing - defined as a communication channel that uses digital media - has become a complement to the marketing mix; Likewise, it deploys the strategies and tools it uses most in the field of SMEs to help achieve the objectives of these business units. Finally, it exposes the advantages of its use for the organizations that practice it, reason why it is outlined like the first option for the majority of the small and medium companies in Colombia.


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Author Biography

Martha Patricia Striedinger Meléndez, Dra.

Master in Marketing, Doctor in Bioethics, Postdoctorate in Education, Social Sciences and Interculturality. Professor at Universidad del Rosario, UNITEC, Uniagustiniana, Corhuila.


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How to Cite

Striedinger Meléndez, M. P. (2018). Digital Marketing transforms SMEs management in Colombia. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 14(27).
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