Money neutrality in Colombia 2000-2017

Focus from the Granger test and impulse response functions


  • Mónica María Contreras Narciso, Sra. Universidad El Bosque
  • Valentina Forero Saavedra, Sra. Universidad El Bosque
  • Julián Alberto Gutiérrez López, Mg. Universidad El Bosque



Money neutrality, Models VAR, Monetary aggregates, GDP, Intervention rate


The present investigation, part of the economic discussion who intends to answer the question ¿do they affect the nominal variables of the economy to the real variables? directly related to the concept of money neutrality in the economy. In the case, so, it arises as the objective of the study: determine the neutrality of money in Colombia, from evidence of the relationship between the causality variables of monetary aggregates, the real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the intervention rate in the economy, in the quarterly period 2000-2017; through a research methodology descriptive type and quantitative techniques, through estimation of a model VAR to try Granger causality and impulse-response functions with the mentioned variables, according to data of the Bank of the Republic. As a result of the investigation, it can be concluded that, the money is not neutral in the short term, but the trend indicates that, if it is neutral in the long term.


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How to Cite

Contreras Narciso, M. M., Forero Saavedra, V., & Gutiérrez López, J. A. (2019). Money neutrality in Colombia 2000-2017: Focus from the Granger test and impulse response functions. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 15(28).
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