Tools for process management




process management, business architecture, process mining, measurement


The increase in the adoption of a process-based approach, evidenced in the standards and models of excellence, allows the management of the interrelationships within the organization, paying tribute to the satisfaction of the interested parties. But, reaching this focus in organizations, has become complex due to the handling of large volumes of information, the limited use of mechanisms that promote interrelationships, as well as the lack of speed to respond to changes in the environment. At the same time, new tools are emerging, more in line with technologies and new business models to improve business performance. They stand out among these, the Enterprise Architecture and the Process Mining. Being the objective of the investigation: to analyze the utility that these tools offer to the management by processes in the current context of the organizations. From the bibliographic review and the induction-deduction method, the specific characteristics of these tools are obtained to be used in process management.


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How to Cite

González, A. G., Rodríguez, L. L., Martínez Caballero, D., & Morales Fonte, D. (2019). Tools for process management. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 15(28).