Design of a methodology for the standardization of coding systems and classification of products in Cuban companies, 2019




Sistema de codificación, sistema de clasificación, metodología, estandarización., Coding system, classification system, methodology, standardization.


This research is developed in the Cuban business sector and aims to optimize the management of inventories, with the use of standard systems of coding and classification of products. For this, the current management of these systems in different companies in the health, education, tourism, security and protection, biotechnology and aviation sectors was analyzed. Taking into account this problem and through interviews with specialists, surveys, direct observation and documentary review, the level of standardization of the information associated with the identification of the goods was diagnosed and a methodology was designed for the standardization of coding systems and product classification.


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Author Biographies

Igor Lopes Martínez, Dr., Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana José Antonio Echeverría, Cuba

Graduated in Industrial Engineering, specializing in Business Organization. Technological University of Havana - CUJAE - Cuba. Professor of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, CUJAE, in the Department of Industrial Engineering. Member of the Logistics and Production Management research group (LOGESPRO). Professor of logistics and supply chain topics in undergraduate and graduate. DOCTOR IN TECHNICAL SCIENCES - 2013 2 Doctoral periods at the TH-Wildau, University of Applied Sciences, Germany (2009 and 2012) 1 Postdoctoral period at the TH-Wildau, University of Applied Sciences, Germany (2014) I am working in logistics and chain General supply, more focused on inventory management, included GS1 standards, resilience and automatic identification (AUTO-ID).

Daimeé Padilla Aguiar, Mg., Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana José Antonio Echeverría, Cuba

Graduated in Industrial Engineering in 1997 from the Technological University of Havana José Antonio Echeverría. Master in Management. Logistics Curriculum PhD. Specialist in high-tech processes I level of the Directorate of SERVICIM. Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM). Cuba.

Gretchen Rodríguez Rivero, Esp.

Graduated in Industrial Engineering in 2018 from the Technological University of Havana José Antonio Echeverría. Commercial Specialist Commercial address. Military Historical Museum Complex (CMHM). Cuba.


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How to Cite

Lopes Martínez, I., Padilla Aguiar, D., Paradiela Fournier, L., & Rodríguez Rivero, G. (2019). Design of a methodology for the standardization of coding systems and classification of products in Cuban companies, 2019. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 15(28).
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