Internationalization of the small and medium-sized software and information technologies (SW & IT) industry through the trampoline effect of the union




Comercio internacional, Pyme, Relaciones económicas internacionales, Gremio, Perspectiva trampolín


The present work aims to develop a systematic framework of performance as an essential source that drives the different forces of action of people to the maintenance, improvement and survival of organizations, this implies the permanent updating of the capacities of its members to strengthen the power performer of the work. The basis of its methodological foundation is qualitative research, which is supported by a documentary design and in-depth analysis of the consulted sources, they correspond to the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, their interpretation is carried out with the hermeneutical methodology, and is inspired by the interest in identifying the theoretical bases by which performance should be guided. It is concluded that performance is the DNA of the organization, and whose essence is the practical realizing process that man's work in the organization has.


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Author Biographies

Aura Uribe Arévalo, Dr., Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano

Doctor in Business Organization from the University of Valladolid. Professor at the Grancolombiano Polytechnic University Institution.

Eduardo Norman Acevedo, Mg., Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano

Master in Strategic Marketing Management from the Grancolombiano Polytechnic University Institution. Expert in Dissemination and Communication of Science and Technology from the University of Oviedo.


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How to Cite

Uribe Arévalo, A., & Norman Acevedo, E. (2020). Internationalization of the small and medium-sized software and information technologies (SW & IT) industry through the trampoline effect of the union. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos De Administración, 16(31).
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